Tuesday, 2 December 2008

NHS Evidence webpage

Source: National Library for Health www.library.nhs.uk
Publication type: Website

In a nutshell: To ensure users are kept up to date of the continuing development of NHS Evidence, NLH have created a new NHS Evidence webpage under ‘For Librarians’.

The webpage provides concise information on NHS Evidence and links to Lord Darzi’s final report, entitled ‘High Quality for All’ (issued July 08) and to NICE’s NHS Evidence webpage which provides details of the blueprint for the new service.

Some important notes: Please contact nhsevidencequeries@nice.org.uk directly with any queries relating to NHS Evidence.
Link here for more information: http://www.library.nhs.uk/forlibrarians/nhsevidence
Further dissemination: Please pass this information on to any colleagues within the Trust to whom it may be of interest.
Post created by: Victoria Kirk