Thursday, 11 December 2008

Healthcare professionals' electronic journal preferences

Source: National Library for Health Document of the Week
Year of publication: 2007
Publication type: Journal article

In a nutshell: Specialists accessed different journals to those viewed by primary care physicians. This paper looked at the online reading habits of primary care physicians and specialists.

The authors addressed the following questions:
*Which journals did physicians not associated with an academic medical centre use when they received access to a basic collection of online resources and services?
*How frequently were the journals accessed over an 18-month period?
*Were the chosen titles clinically important health care journals as measured by external assessments of quality?

The authors found that the primary care physicians selected journals used by summary journals, such as ACP Journal Club and Evidence Based Medicine.

Some important notes: Citation = Which journals do primary care physicians and specialists access from an online service? KA McKibbon, RB Haynes, RJ McKinlay, C Lokker, Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2007, 95(3), pp246-254

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Post created by: Victoria Kirk